Monday, August 24, 2020

Dream to Reality

Image by Biljana Jovanovic from Pixabay

Have you ever had a positive or negative dream turn into reality? The mystery of dreams has always fascinated me. I didn't know about this experience regarding Sugar Ray Robinson. 


In his dream, Robinson was fighting Jimmy Doyle. Ray lands a devastating strike knocking Jimmy to the canvas. Jimmy lay there, unable to rise. “I woke up in a cold sweat, yellin’ for Jimmy to get up – get up – get up! My yellin’ woke me up, I guess,” Robinson wrote.

“In the dream, Jimmy Doyle was in the ring with me. I hit him a few good punches and he was on his back, his blank eyes staring up at me, and I was staring down at him, not knowing what to do, and the referee was moving in to count to 10 and Doyle still wasn’t moving a muscle and in the crowd I could hear people yelling, ‘He’s dead, he’s dead,’ and I didn’t know what to do. Then I woke up.”

Robinson was so disturbed by the dream he wanted to back out of the fight with Doyle. Fight promoters, who stood to lose money by Robinson’s decision, brought in a Catholic priest (some sources say a priest and minister) who sought to calm Robinson’s nerves by assuring him it was only a dream. Promoter Larry Atkins convinced Robinson not to cancel the fight because of a dream.

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