Thursday, May 19, 2022

Generators for Writers

I love this one. Here you'll find tools for writers, gamers, and artists; randomly assembling names, storylines, characters, what-ifs, concepts, and more for when you need inspiration or amusement. 

Seventh Sanctum: Writing Generators

Thursday, May 12, 2022

The Poem That Inspired My Magazine

Years ago, in an out-of-town library, I found the following poem nestled within the pages of an old book. It encouraged my soul so much that I wanted a magazine with poems like this. I read it, closed my eyes, took a deep breath and reread it again and again and again. What makes it so appealing? It's the word choices. They speak of halcyon times. I want submissions like these to be written for Halcyon Days

Psalm to My Beloved 
by Eunice Tietjens (1884-1944)

          Lo, I have opened unto you the wide gates of my being
          and like a tide, you have flowed into me.
          The innermost recesses of my spirit are full of you,
          and all the channels of my soul are grown sweet with your presence.
          For you have brought me peace
          the peace of great tranquil waters, and the quiet of the summer sea.
          Your hands are filled with peace as the noontide is filled with light;
          about your head is bound the eternal quiet of the stars,
          and in your heart dwells the calm miracle of twilight.
          I am utterly content.
          In all my spirit is no ripple of unrest,
          for I have opened unto you wide the gates of my being
          and like a tide, you have flowed into me.

Monday, May 9, 2022

Fascinating Psychological Tricks in Advertising and Everyday Use

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay This is such an interesting subject.  Check out these facets of psychological tricks. The Psychology Behi...